Tips For Selecting Aged Care Flooring!!

Selecting a type of flooring is a very critical decision to make for any home. The texture, material, pattern and size are crucial for flooring. Even in senior care, selecting a floor is a significant decision as it concerns the health and safety concerns of the elderly. 

The sort of flooring selected for the aged care is picked with 100% safety and guard. If a senior person trips or slips, they have to manage the severe injuries and health concerns which sometimes can be fatal. This is why it is essential to select a flooring type with minimum slipping chances. 

Selecting the correct flooring can be a lengthy method as you need to keep a lot of aspects in mind before purchasing it. Aged care is a secure space for elderly individuals, and maintaining the place's safety is crucial. Read the entire blog to understand further details of aged care flooring solutions

Elements To Keep In Mind For Aged Care Flooring

  • Comfort- The appropriate flooring for older adults should ensure comfort and ease. Tough floorings can lead to joint aches and muscle pains, adding excessive pressure on their feet. 
  • Cushioning- When older adults have a condition like vertigo or low blood pressure, they can fall more. In order to control them from suffering severe injuries due to the fall, floors are favoured to have a cushion for them to be soft and delicate. 
  • Slip Resistance- The flooring style with a high coefficient of friction is ideally suited for aged care flooring. It is crucial to have anti-slippery flooring so that older adults can walk freely without being nervous and cautious at all times. 
  • Activity And Maintenance- Older adults use wheelchairs to move around in the house. You need to ensure the flooring you select permits easy movement of wheels from one place to the other. Maintenance of the flooring should also be the bare minimum that is required. Ensure the flooring you select releases stains quickly. 

You need to keep the components mentioned above in mind for your aged care flooring solutions. Some of the varieties of flooring that are most commonly used are:

  • Rubber flooring- This flooring is the most profitable type of flooring for aged care as the coefficient of friction is very high, preventing any slipping. 
  • Cork flooring- This flooring supplies cushioning and is highly mild to their feet. It is pretty soft and relaxing. 
  • Vinyl flooring- This type of flooring offers the smooth and easy movement of their wheelchairs. This flooring is comfortable and effortless to maintain and removes stains easily. 
  • Carpets- Carpets control any severe injury that an older person can suffer if they trip. This flooring is an excellent safety measure to prevent any fatal falls. 

Selecting the correct floor in aged care is a critical decision, as if the floor isn't safe enough, it can be fatal. Above mentioned factors will help you choose perfect and practical flooring and provide all your eldercare flooring solutions. It will be advantageous for you to understand the requirements before selecting any particular aged care flooring solutions.  


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