Common Mistakes To Avoid On Marble Restoration

Marble is a softer natural stone and at the same time it is highly porous, therefore it is needed to be treated with care. Marble will get stained easily, to keep it in pristine condition it needs more care. If you planned to renovate your home, it is mandatory for you to follow appropriate cleaning techniques before marble restoration to keep the tiles looking pristine and attractive. Here are some mistakes you need to avoid before polishing procedure.
Do Not: To clean spills or stains from the marble tiles, you should not use a completely drenched mop as it allows water to leak that gets stuck between the spongy surfaces of the marble.Do: To wipe the marble flooring, use a damp mop instead of a completely soaked one. Also, it is advisable you use deionized water as it less likely damages the marble surface. Marble is easily prone to damage from liquids like coffee, wine or juice so it is important you mop away the surface immediately before any discolouration happens.
Dry cleaning:
Do Not: Marble is prone to absorption of liquids and solvents, so it is best to avoid using mops, cloth, or sponges that are dipped in waxy, oily or wet substances. These residues can easily absorb into the permeable structure and lead to permanent staining or discolouration.Do: It is advisable you clean your marble flooring with a dry mop, cloth or sponge as soon as something is spilled on them. Using a dry cloth absorbs the spill immediately and prevents any long-term damage. Marble restoration helps to prolong the life of your marbles.
Do not: Don’t buy the cleaning products you see in the store where it contains acids, alkalis and chemicals that can easily damage your marble. Generally, the store cleaners are more acidic and are more susceptible to damage and discolouration. It also decreases the endurance strength of the marble stone tiles.Do: It is recommended you to use the distilled or deionized water, cleaners or neutral stone soap with pH7.00 as it not only prevents abrasion and staining but also helps to keep your marble flooring in tip-top condition. Use the standard cleaner and sealer to prolong the life of your marble.
Sealing your marble floor:
Do Not: Do not leave your marble flooring untreated after the installation process is over because it would be liable to destruction as compared to unsealed marble.Do: It is advisable you seal your marble flooring after marble restoration, as it not only adds robustness of the marble stone but also limits the damage or staining caused by spills. To ensure that your marble floors stay in immaculate condition and add y
ears to its life, it is advisable you seal your marble periodically with a good quality sealant. To maintain the appearance of your marble, you need to reseal every three to six-year which depends on the type of marble installed and the type of sealant used.
Polishing marble floor:
Do Not: Polishing marble flooring is necessary to keep your marble in tip-top condition, but over-polishing marble is almost as bad as not polishing it all.Do: Polishing can decrease the absorption of stains and spills. Marble restoration increases the life of the marble and enhances the look of it.
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